Inspiration: Sarah Ann Loreth


Sarah is a fine art, travel , and aerial photographer based in Alaska. What she tries to portray in her images is the awe she finds in the beauty of the natural world. Sarah originally worked in a hospital and stumbled upon photography as a way to release the stress of her demanding job. This led her to eventually selling her possessions, buying a van, and road tripping across North America teaching creative photography workshops. Originally from New England, Sara fell in love with Alaska while working a summer job there and never left.(Information taken from her website here)

On her website you can still find a blog but unfortunately this has not been updated since 2017.

Whilst most of the work you find on her website or aerial shots, or travel shop, what really drew me in about Sarah's work was her conceptual images. The images are really vibrant which is something that we often associate with fantasy shots , due to them being vivid and almost dreamlike. Images like this one, it's clear that all of the effects have been done post production. This is something that I'm going to rely on in order to really emphasise fantasy elements within my own work.

© 2021 Courtney Wade
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