Inspiration: Margarita Kareva


Margarita is based in Russia and specialises in fantasy art photography. She takes women and transforms them into fairy tale princesses and witches and then photographs them in picturesque scenes. There is a lot of surreal elements as well as fine art portraiture in her work made by a combination of props and post production editing.

She started in photography after getting her first SLR on her birthday and got hooked, she wasn't even thinking that she would be doing photography but it became one of the biggest passions of her life. She's inspired by fairy tales and just any fictional story in an interview which you can find here she says:

"I don't really like photo realistic photos, I think the Internet is full of them anyway, so I'm just trying to add something magical and fictional into my works. Otherwise I get bored by just shooting and editing ... and being bored is my biggest fear."

In the same interview she states she shoots on a Canon 5D Mark III and her favourite lens in the Canon EF 135Mm F/2L , she also shoots on a Canon 35MM F/1.4 L. She doesn't use much equipment other than a tripod and the occasional reflector and small on camera video light. This highlights that most of the work she creates is done imposed production; With cropping, retouching and colour correction.

One of the reasons Margarita is such a huge influence is the fact that most of her work is done in post-production. While at uni, I can take out equipment like lighting and other cameras or lenses, due to lockdown restrictions I can't really have a big team or an assistant. We also don't have equipment like Kirsty Mitchell, who I talked about in a previous blog entry. Margarita shows that you don't need a lot of equipment just a little bit of post-production to create amazing images.

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