To Do A Masters Or To Not Do a Masters? That is the question...


I'm at that part in the course where I have to seriously consider what my next step is. One of the things I've been looking at is doing a MA in photography. I think one of the things that appeals to me most about a Masters is having an extra year in education, it's familiar and it feels safe. I feel personally like I'm so unprepared to leave University and to go out and find a job as a photographer and a practitioner.

It was actually suggested to me by one of my tutors to do a Masters after we had a discussion about my current project this year. The project 'Mythos' which is my final projectwill not be finished when I leave uni. I wanted to explore a number of women from myths and for this year I decided to only focus on two as it was much more achievable. One of the things he mentioned to me is that if I did a Masters I'd be able to continue with this project a lot easier than me trying on my own. The University offers facilities and connections and collaborations that I would probably struggle to find on the outside world if I wanted to continue with this project as soon as I left uni.

The Masters course encourages to explore different research methods that underpin creative practise, it introduces us to current research themes in art and design including; developing concepts through thinking and making work; using archives in creative practise; working with objects of material culture; and more. The course also introduces you to features of innovation and entrepreneurship within the context of the cultural and creative industries. It helps you to build knowledge and understanding of different approaches to creative innovation with social, ethical and sustainable aspects. There is also guidance on business start-ups and professional skill development. There's a lot more to the Masters than what I've listed here as well as a Masters is only a year long.

My main issue with the Masters is funding it. According to student finance website you can get up to £11,222. This loan from the government isn't just to pay for your course but to cover accommodation in any other financial needs you may have. The cost of the course for me to do this at Huddersfield University is £7,900 with my accommodation being about £3,500. A quick calculation shows that the loan from the government will not cover both costs in their entirety. As I've mentioned before I would have struggled to maintain a job during term time and complete my degree, honestly I think people who do it are incredible. An MA is full time from September to September with no break. This would mean I wouldn't be able to work during breaks in order to make up the extra £500 that I would need to cover my living arrangements and course alone. I would like to point out here that I would then also need money to live for things like food.

I definitely think an MA is something I want to do but after contemplating the financial situation that I will find myself in, I've decided that I'm going to take a year out of education to work and save up money so that I can then fund my Masters course.

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